Monday, September 13, 2010

Call The Summer Of 2010...DONE!

Wow, that summer was a dud. Ok, it was summer so it was warm, and I got to spend a lot of time with my kids, who are great. I mean, except when they fight. And don't listen to me... no, they are. I'm lucky to be able to know them as well as I do. And have so many experiences together.

Like staring at each other asking " What do you want to do?".

Last summer we had a clear plan, and had a very full summer. This past summer we thought we would roll with it, let the wind carry us, staycation everyday.

* cue cricket chirp*

We did have some fun, went to the beach, swam at any pool that would have us, played outside, gardened, Noah went to summer school...but we did a whole lot of  hanging out at home. We did a whole lot of activities that I could spin to sound idyllic, that I could post more pictures that make our lives look pretty awesome-- but the truth is that the whole summer was sort of boring.

Bekah did a lot of writing, but mostly her facebook status. Luke did a lot of sports, played baseball, took up running, but mostly wrestling was his sport of choice and his favored partner was his brother. Noah made some new friends at school, but he seemed called to play Mariokart.

It was entirely my fault. I can blame the economy, expendable income became even scarcer.I can blame my husband who weekly tells me what we can't afford.  But I have been on the SAHM job for 14 years, I should have been more creative. I have known my kids for their entire lives, I know what they like to do. We tried a few things, but really, mostly we settled back down to the repetitive.

But the flip side? They were VERY eager to start school again. A month now. The child who usually has issues getting his brain in gear for school, well, he is still trying to jump start his academics. But I think he will adjust faster than in previous school years. The little guy started Kindergarten. He loves it. Eldest child started her final year of middle school, readying herself for her next life phase.

And me? I am beginning my next life chapter. With all of the kids in school, and my childbearing years ended, I am looking to what my life is going to be now. And where will it play out? Where can I give the tales of the fam? Here. So come back, read my challenges and struggles and lessons learned right here. ( and every Saturday on

My summer is over, and my hiatus on here goes with it. Thanks for coming back, and I promise more to come.